DSC Software AG

Your Companion for integrative PLM

The complexity of the Digital Transformation, especially within the product lifecycle, requires expert knowledge and the drive to improve the existing and to try something new. Strengthening innovative capacities is not an option, but a mandate for the long-term success of industrial businesses. As an expert for integration and Digital Transformation in the product development process, DSC Software AG is your experienced companion.

Our history

Our history

About 30 years ago, the beginning of the story took place in a two-room flat near Karlsruhe, Germany, with seven people, some self-made computers, and a big portion of enthusiasm. How could this turn out well?

Corporate culture

Corporate culture

Together, we can achieve more. This is what we believe in and what we stand up for. Our employees can prosper in an environment that promotes the open exchange of ideas and the collaboration within teams.



We take our social and ecological responsibility seriously. In times of global networks and free markets, the requirements are increasing – and our objective is to face them at eye level. What is our idea of the social role our company should play?